Dream Team Wiki

A script of Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin (Again).


A horizontal line indicates a clip cut in the middle of dialogue, not the start of new scene.

Chapters are merely for segmenting the transcript and do not appear in the video.

Some parts of the transcript are overlapping in the video, which means two or more players talked in the transcript over each other but appear separate in this transcript.


Dream - The speedrunner of the video.

GeorgeNotFound (abbreviated to George) - The assassin of the video.


Intro 0:00[]

Dream: Alright, you guys have been asking for it. This video, I try and speedrun and beat Minecraft while an assassin comes after me. If the assassin hits me once, I lose the game. If I see the assassin, the assassin is frozen, meaning they can't hit me or move. This was insanely scary. Can I beat the game before the assassin kills me? We're about to find out. Also, only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are subscribed, so if you end up liking this video, consider subscribing. It's free and you can always change your mind if you want to. Enjoy the video.

Chapter 1 0:27[]

Dream: Alright. Well I'm already looking at you, George.

George: [laughs]

Dream: Can I just go?

[Dream backs away while keeping George frozen]

George: No.

Dream: Oh, well I'm already just going.

George: Oh my god.

Dream: So we saw this village over here when we spawned.

George: [laughs]

Dream: That's where I wanna go.

[a hill breaks Dream's line of sight on George]

George: I can't move. Oh!

Dream: Okay, well.

[Dream begins ransacking the village]

George: Stop looking at me!

Dream: Oh, you're going away.

George: [laughs]

[Dream finds lots of apples and bread in a chest]

Dream: Ooh!

[Dream leaves the house]

Dream: Aaaah, I don't know where you are, I don't know where you are.

George: [laughs] Dreeeeeeam.

[Dream takes crops and wood from a farm]

George: Where am I, Dream? What am I doing?

Dream: Well, I mean, you can one-hit me so-

Dream: I just don't know where you went.

[Dream crafts oak planks]

[Dream collects hay bales and sees George running through the village, but can't freeze him before he disappears behind a house]

Dream: [gasps]

George: [laughs]

[Dream sees George on top of a house]

Dream: Why are you on the roof?

George: [laughs] No reason.

Dream: You're trying to like, jump on me or something?

Dream: Alright, uh, I'm so… afraid.

[Dream crafts a wooden axe]

[Dream has left the village]

Dream: Ooh, what's this?

George: I'm just taking my time in the village; it's beautiful.

[Dream collects wood]

Dream: You're lying. You said this last time, and then you were nowhere near the village.

George: [laughs]

[Dream collects cobblestone in a cave, and chat shows him getting the advancement "Stone Age"]

George: I'm coming over, Dream.

[Dream crafts a crafting table]

George: Wait, you're this way now? You did a bit of a loop-de-loop, didn't you Dream?

[Dream mines coal]

George: [laughs] Why're you so quiet?

Dream: I don't know, I'm just worried.

[Dream is hiding deep in the cave]

George: [laughs] What are you doing?

[Dream looks for George's nametag above]

Dream: I'm… just running. Getting food.

George: [unconvinced] Really.

Dream: Yeah.

George: You know you can't lie to me, Dream.

[George comes into view, and Dream freezes him]

Dream: [gasps] No!

George: AH! [laughs] Stop.

Dream: How are you moving?

George: [inaudible] Let me go! Oh my god. How're you gonna get past me?

[Dream slowly moves closer to George, keeping him frozen]

Dream: You can't hit me, unle- if I'm freezing you.

George: Oh? No, don't.

[George swings his stone axe]

Dream: [gasps] Oh my god oh my god, were you unfrozen for a second?

George: No-o! [laughs] Dreeeam! Come here! Come to papa! Yes! If you look away for one second, you're dead! If you l- I'm literally spam-clicking you! If you look away even slightly… [laughs]

[Dream inches around George, turning to continue looking at him]

George: No!

[George manages to take a step towards Dream]

Dream: Oh! Oh! Oh!

George: [laughs]

[Dream turns and runs]

George: Oh my god- yes! [laughs] Dreeeam!

[Dream freezes George again]

George: NO!

Dream: [panicked Dream sounds]

[Dream turns and runs again before freezing George again]

George: [laughs]

Dream: Please, please, leave me be! Leave me be!

[Dream runs a little farther before freezing George again]

George: No, I almost got out of your sight!

[Dream eats bread]

Dream: Um…

George: Dreeeam.

[Dream freezes George]

Dream: Oh god. Okay, I need to think.

George: Ugh.

Dream: How 'bout I do this?

[Dream places his crafting table]

Dream: [inaudible] can craft while I'm looking at you?

[Dream crafts a furnace]

George: No-o! No you can't!

[Dream backs up and freezes George]

Dream: Ooh!

George: OH! [laughs] So close.

[Dream rotates around George]

George: What are you doing? What are you smelting? Just for a second. Just for one second.

Dream: No. I'm not playing these games.

George: No, look- look away for one second.

Dream: You beat me last time, this time I am-

George: Just look away for one second.

Dream: This time I am - I am trying.

George: Look. One. One- just one second, please.

[Dream collects iron ingots from his furnace before freezing George, who has built a wall of oak wood planks]

George: [laughs] No! Ah- oh, I'm such an idiot. Oh my god.

Dream: I'll let you go when I'm done.

[Dream crafts an iron chestplate]

George: Just look [inaudible] Okay, thank you.

[Dream freezes George mid-jump as he puts on the chestplate and chat shows him getting the advancement "Suit Up"]

Dream: Well now I have a chestplate.

George: You're just shooting la- a laser into my face.

[Dream lets go of George to craft a stone sword, barely freezing him again as he gets close]

Dream: [gasps] YEEEEEEE!!!

George: OH!

Dream: Oof.

George: AH! If you'd waited, half a second longer…

Dream: Oh, I want my furnace but I can't have it. Oh well.

[Dream turns and runs]

Dream: Oh my god.

Dream: Oh I left my coal in there. Ugh.

George: Yep. My coal now.

Dream: Well, I couldn't have done anything. You were… there.

Chapter 2 3:57[]

[Dream swims up a mountainside waterfall, blocking the source when he reaches it before continuing to climb, while George is seen boating on the river below]

George: Wait! D'you just break the water?!

Dream: [laughs]

[Dream continues to climb]

George: Oh my god I'm out of blocks.

Dream: Oh no.

[Dream reaches the top of the mountain and runs]

Dream: Geoooorge.

George: I see you. [giggles]

[Dream looks around for George]

Dream: Where?

George: I'm not telling you.

[Dream enters a cave, breaking a gravel block to cause a collapse and cover the entrance]

George: There's no way you actually win this game though. All I have to do is hit you once. What's this?

[Dream moves to collapse another entrance but forgoes it in favor of retreating deeper into the cave]

George: Oh. Interesting.

[Dream runs through the cave]

[Dream looks up and sees George's nametag up above and begins sneaking to hide his own nametag]

Dream: [gasps]

George: What is it Dream? Share with me. Wait what?

George: Dream?

Dream: Yeah?

George: Where are you?

Dream: I'm off the mountain. Where are you? Why do you keep asking where I am?

[an explosion is heard in the distance]

Dream: Get out of my business.

George: You heard that didn't you?

Dream: Heard what?

George: [laughs] I know you heard that.

[Dream begins tunneling upward]

George: There's no way you're down inside the mountain!

Dream: [laughs] W-why not?

George: How would you get in there?

George: I'm literally tracking you, and you're inside of the mountain. Is there like a cave somewhere that I didn't see? You're do- you're right below me! Look up, Dream! I know you can see me. I'm right here!

Dream: I don't! I don't see you!

George: [laughs] How are you down in here?!

[Dream reaches the surface]

George: I don't know how I'm meant to find you. There's no cave entrances.

[Dream runs through a chasm approaching a taiga]

George: Wait. You're gone.

George: You were in a cave this whole time, weren't you?

[now in the taiga, Dream sets cows on fire and kills them for food]

George: And now you've gone. You're gone! You left!

George: You actually got away. In like the o- in the o- in like the one minute I went to go look for the cave entrance, you just left.

[Dream runs through a plains and spots a second village]

Dream: Ooh, what?

[Dream collects hay bales in the second village]

George: Where are you? You're not still in the gravel mountain are you?

[Dream fights a skeleton in the second village]

Dream: Ooh! Oh what the heck, that skeleton just… flew at me!

[Dream runs through a trench just outside the second village before climbing out and seeing George]

Dream: I kinda wish that I had the- [gasps] Wait, where'd you go?

George: N- You didn't see me. You didn't see anything.

[Dream mines more cobblestone]

George: Oh Dreeeeam.

Dream: Stop it.

George: Where are you? I can smell you.

[Dream runs]

[Dream mines iron underground]

George: Dreeam. [chuckles]

Dream: Yeah?

George: I see your cobble. [laughs]

Dream: Where?

George: I think you know where. I think you can hear me. How do you always get away from me like this, like into the ground?

Dream: [laughs]

George: Oh! It's almost like there's a cave entrance…

[Dream's stone pickaxe breaks, he blocks himself in while he reviews his inventory, then crafts a crafting table which he uses to craft a new stone pickaxe]

Dream: Oh my god.

[Dream begins tunneling upward]

George: You can hear me can't you Dream? Oh! … Oh. … [laughs]

Dream: [anguished] Go away!

George: [laughs]

Dream: What?

[Dream reaches the surface and runs]

George: I'm near you!

[Dream cuts through the second village]

Dream: [laughs]

George: What? Did you just run? Oh my god!

[Dream builds a cobblestone tower just inside the taiga]

George: Where're you going Dream?

Dream: Away from you.

George: Ugh! You're such… a loser.

[Dream smelts his iron atop the tower]

Dream: Well, the old str- tower strategy has never failed me yet!

George: Well yeah, because how am I meant to kill you up there?

Dream: Where are you? Why'd you leave me? Kinda worried.

George: 'Cause there's nothing I can do with you right now. You're just- You're just up in the sky.

Chapter 3 8:26[]

[having packed up his furnaces, Dream jumps to a water pool, narrowly missing the edge]

Dream: [gasps] Ooooh, that was… too close for comfort.

George: Almost like… you fell.

[Dream collects spruce wood while chat shows George getting the advancement "Best Friends Forever"]

Dream: 'Best Friends Forever'? What's that? A dog?

George: Yeah. [inaudible]

Dream: You just get a dog?

George: Yeah. Am I not allowed?

[Dream hovers over the advancement in chat to see the meaning]

Dream: What is that? Oh it is. Tame an animal.

[Dream runs]

Dream: Alright, well I mean I have full iron, I got… everything I need- po- I could possibly need-

[Dream finds a ravine and MLG waters to the bottom]

Dream: I like this.

George: What is it?

[Dream sees George's nametag approaching]

Dream: [gasps]

George: I'm interested.

[Dream sneaks to hide his nametag and begins digging down, before seeing George leap over the ravine on a horse]

Dream: [gasps] You have a horse!

George: [laughs] No.

Dream: You have a horse!

[Dream covers his hole with dirt and digs down further]

George: [laughs] How did you see me? Dream?

Dream: Yeah?

George: I thought you had full iron; why're you in the ravine, huh?

[Dream breaks into a cave network with a mineshaft, MLG watering as he lands]

George: Dreeeam.

[Dream searches the mineshaft]

George: What're you doing in the- oh! You're looking for lava. Dreeam. Dreeeam! [inaudible] hurry up- wait, how did you get down there?

Dream: What do you mean?

George: How d'you always do this?!

Dream: [laughs]

[Dream searches for George's nametage above]

George: I- were you in the ravine?

George: It's like you ma- oh, this would be actually a big brain move, it's like you ma- this is what it feels like to me: it feels like you just make smooth stone and then dig down and just cover it up. Like, I can't see where you got down. Were you in the ravine?

George: Now you're over here; what's happening?

George: Wait, what're you doing?

Dream: What do you mean?

George: You're like all these different directions.

[Dream searches for George's nametag again]

Dream: What?

George: What?

Dream: [laughs] What's wrong with you?

George: This compass is… broken again.

Dream: [laughs]

George: It keeps breaking.

Dream: You always say that; every episode you're like 'The compass, it's broken, it's broken'.

George: Yeah, 'cause you're like playing like an idiot-

Dream: [laughs]

George: -and just keep like going in different directions just to mess with me.

[Dream goes back to where he entered the cave]

[Dream climbs out into the ravine]

Chapter 4 10:36[]

[Dream runs again]

George: Ohhhh my god!

Dream: What's wrong?

George: I just don't understand how you're like…

George: You're just like… you are just like Houdini.

Dream: [laughs] What do you mean?

George: You're just… evading me.

[Dream runs across a mountain]

Dream: What're you doing?

George: I'm looking for you!

Dream: [laughs] Then find me, what are you doing- oh my god, what the hell?! Look at this, guys!

[Dream stops to look at a larger than average herd of pigs]

Dream: What! One two three four five six seven eight, nine. Ten! Eleven!

George: Eleven what?

[Dream continues on his way]

Dream: Oh my god, that's crazy!

George: Eleven what?

Dream: I'm not telling you!

[Dream runs through a tundra]

Dream: What are you doing George? I haven't seen you in forever.

George: I'm just… [sighs]

Dream: [laughs]

George: I don't know! I'm like- I tracked you… and I thought… you might… I don't know, hang on. Let me just-

George: Like, I can track you, but… it doesn't matter when you're just being a little… hamster!

Dream: [laughs]

George: And just like wriggling around the place. I can't find you!

[Dream exits a cave in the tundra and spots a pillager outpost which he approaches]

George: Yeah my comp- okay whatever. I've been memed. C- you completely memed me. I tracked you to a- to that um… that ravine, with the… abandoned mineshaft, and I was just- I've just been running around there for like ten minutes trying to find you.

[Dream cleans out his inventory]

Dream: [laughs]

George: And you're not even there.

Dream: [laughs]

George: You're not even there!

[Dream tunnels]

George: There's no way you ran two thousand blocks.

Dream: Why not?

George: Alright, what are your coords then?

Dream: Um... seven-one-eight… nine-one-one.

Dream: Whatever you want.

George: Well no, I know you're lying, 'cause you said your Z was nine-one-one.

Dream: Yeah.

George: Your Z's going positive, you idiot.

[Dream continues to tunnel and finds diamonds]

Dream: [gasps]

[Dream begins mining the diamonds]

[Dream collects five diamonds, and chat shows him getting the advancement "Diamonds!"]

George: No. Ugh!

[Dream continues tunneling]

George: I reckon there's one or two.

Dream: Yeees!

George: No, there's one or two. There's one or two.

Dream: Yeees!

George: [laughs] You didn't get three.

Dream: There's twenty!

George: [laughs in disbelief]

George: You didn't even get three. You didn't even get three, did you?

[Dream continues tunneling, now with a diamond pickaxe, and finds a lava pool]

[Dream has turned some of the lava to obsidian and collects some]

Dream: Oh Geooorge.

George: Hello.

[George's nametag is briefly seen distantly at surface level before disappearing]

Dream: Whatchu up to?

[Dream throws a boat out of his inventory to pick up the first block of obsidian, and chat shows him getting the advancement "Ice Bucket Challenge"]

George: No!

[an explosion is heard as Dream continues to mine the obsidian]

George: Where would you have found obsidian?

Dream: Mineshaft.

George: I don't think that's a thing.

George: No you didn't.

[another explosion is heard]

George: Really?

Dream: Yeah.

George: I don't think that's a thing.

Dream: Yeah. In a mineshaft chest.

[another explosion is heard]

George: Oh Dreeeam.

[another explosion is heard]

George: What're you doing Dream?

[Dream bridges across the lava, now with nine obsidian]

George: I'm not falling for your tricks Dream.

Dream: What do you mean?

[Dream collects a tenth piece of obsidian and begins tunneling upward]

George: Dream.

Dream: Yeah?

George: I can smell you.

Dream: Well, you should-

[Dream breaks into a cave, a creeper's feet hang over the hole shortly before it drops in]

George: I should what?

[the creeper's explosion propels Dream up into the cave, and he runs]

Dream: [laughs]

George: Oh my god. What?

Dream: What?

George: Why're you laughing?

[Dream continues tunneling upward as chat shows George getting the advancements "Isn't It Iron Pick" and "Diamonds!"]

Dream: Yeah, oh, nice.

George: [giggles] Yeeeeees. Yeeeeeah. Diiiiiiiiamonds, diiiiiiiiamonds. Alright Dream.

George: How have you still not gone to the Nether, I'm confused. You're not in the Nether, are you?

Dream: I might be.

George: Oh, I- I would have seen the achievement.

Dream: Maybe.

George: Did it glitch? No, it didn't. It didn't.

George: Well, I'm in a very… nice location…

Dream: Yeah?

George: …that I'm sure you would have liked to have been in.

[Dream reaches the surface]

Dream: I'm sure I would have.

[Dream jumps through treetops]

Dream: ♪ I'm walking on sunshine! Eyyyy! I'm walking on sunshine! ♪

George: You get copyrighted.

[Dream approaches the pillager outpost again]

Dream: ♪ Bum-bada-dadum ♪

George: Stop singing, Dream! You're actually gonna get us both copyrighted!

Dream: Maybe. Then just don't put my part in!

Dream: [inaudible]

George: You're not gonna leave it in either. No one's ever gonna hear this.

[Dream enters the outpost]

Dream: I'm gonna leave it in. A hundred percent.

George: N- what? You're gonna leave in you singing.

Dream: There's no way I won't.

George: And you're gonna get copyright striked. And you're not gonna get-

[Dream begins building a Nether portal at the top of the outpost]

Dream: I'm not gonna get copyright striked.

George: You're not gonna get… anything from this.

[Dream blocks the stairway before finishing the portal]

Dream: I'm not gonna get copyright striked.

Chapter 5 15:16[]

[Dream steps into the portal]

George: Yeah.

Dream: ♪ Bum-ba bum-bum-bada-dadum ♪

[Dream emerges in the Nether and chat shows him getting the advancement "We Need to Go Deeper"]

George: No!

[Dream begins demolishing the portal]

George: Oh my god. How did you do this? Are you even- oh my god.

George: You actually are just a little hamster.

Dream: [laughs]

George: You just crawl away in like the tiniest spaces.

George: You literally just ran away. You've done this- what, is this the third time you've done this?

Dream: [laughs]

George: I can't- oh m-

Dream: ♪ You gotta do what you gotta do to win! ♪

[Dream begins searching for a fortress]

George: My god.

Dream: Alright.

George: [gasps] Oh my god!

Dream: [laughs] Wait, where are you George?! [laughs] Where are you?

George: I don't know.

George: OH MY GOD!

Dream: [laughs] Where are you George? What are you 'oh my god'-ing about?

George: [laughs] What the hell!

Dream: [laughs]

George: [gasps] Ohhhhhh my god!

Dream: Please die. Please die.

George: [laughs] How did you get through?!

[Dream collects Netherrack]

Dream: [laughs] You- ah, I love it.

George: There's a million of them.

George: It's like you've got- you've got protection for your portal!

[Dream runs]

Dream: [laughs] Oh I'm a genius!

[Dream falls of a cliff, surviving with two and a half hearts]

Dream: [gasps] Ooh! Ooh, ooh, ooh!

George: [chuckles]

Dream: Well that wasn't genius.

George: Ohhh, I just realized.

Dream: What?

George: You f- you got enough obsidian to make another portal, didn't you?

Dream: What do you mean?

George: You must have done. You actually- you did. Because-

Dream: What do you mean?

George: No, I know you did. I know for a fact you did.

[chat shows George getting the advancement "We Need to Go Deeper"]

Dream: Ooh.

George: [chuckles] What? There's more obsidian! Oh my god, this is your initial portal!

George: You mined your portal, I can see it. You mined it.

[Dream collects more Netherrack]

George: So I just need to get lucky and find the same fortress as you, otherwise it's literally… game over, because…

[Dream sees the Nether portal, reformed from George entering]

Dream: [gasps] Wait what?

George: What?

[Dream finds a fortress]

Dream: [gasps] Ooh!

[Dream reaches the fortress and chat shows him getting the advancement "A Terrible Fortress"]

George: No!

Dream: [chuckles]

[Dream fights and kills a Wither skeleton, although he gains the Wither effect in the process]

George: Oh my god, okay. The race is on.

[Dream fights blazes]

George: But even if I find a fortress, it might not even be the same one as yours. I could just spend forever looking around in it. And now I'm like lost in the Nether!

[chat shows Dream getting the advancement "Into Fire"]

George: I don't know, like I feel like I've messed this up.

[Dream knocks a blaze away and throws snowballs at it]

George: Oh, what?

[Dream kills a blaze]

Dream: Yes.

[Dream kills another blaze, then checks his inventory and sees he now has eight blaze rods]

Dream: Yes! Oh wait, can I… yeah I can. Right?

George: [chuckles] What?

Dream: Yeah, I definitely can. Your compass doesn't work in the Nether, right?

[chat shows George getting the advancement "A Terrible Fortress"]

George: No.

Dream: [gasps] What!

George: Oh Dream! Dreeeam!

[Dream begins building his exit portal]

George: I see a spawner. There's no way. If you're here… please. You're not here. This could- I don't even know if I'm in the same f- [gasps]

[Dream finishes the portal, lights it, and steps in as he freezes George]

George: I don't even if I'm in- AH!!! WHAT!!!

Dream: [laughs]


Dream: My terrain's not loading. Oh, it loaded.

[Dream emerges in a cave and runs]

George: Wait. Yeah it's lagging. Okay. I was like not taking fire damage; I think it's cause it was generating. Dreeeam. Dream?

[Dream blocks a passage with iron ore]

Dream: Yeah?

[Dream begins tunneling upward, building with iron ore first to cover his tracks]

George: There's no way I actually found the same place, what the- what are the odds of that? Where are you?

Dream: What do you mean?

George: Whatchu- what?

Dream: What do you mean?

George: I just- I came through the portal like two seconds after you; where are you?

Dream: I'm long gone.

Dream: I saw you when I was making the portal.

George: [chuckles] I should have just not said anything. I thought the chances of that actually being your… the same like spawner that you were at was like basically zero.

[Dream reaches the surface]

[Dream runs through the plains]

Dream: You found it right as I was leaving.

George: [chuckles]

[Dream finds an Enderman and attacks it]

Dream: [gasps]

George: [laughs] What?

[Dream kills the Enderman and it drops an Ender pearl as a spider attacks]

Dream: Yes! Oh, please.

George: That was a very… very strong [gasps].

[Dream reaches a swamp]

George: Oh, I see an Enderman.

Dream: No way.

George: I'm kill it. And… burn the pearl.

[Dream is now in a dark forest, chat shows Dream getting the advancement "Hot Stuff"]

George: "Hot Stuff"? …you need lava for?

Dream: You. [laughs]

[Dream enters a desert]

Dream: Immana freeze you, walk up to you, place lava on you, and then you're dead.

George: Oh my god. That's not- that's… I don't think you can do that.

Dream: Why not?

George: 'Cause I can't do anything about it!

George: And then you just win.

Dream: If I me- I don't know, actually, can I even do that? If I- if I look- if I look down and place lava, then you can just hit me, probably.

George: Risky. [inaudible] you don't get much out of it; I just die.

[Dream fights and kills an Enderman in the desert as the sun rises]

Dream: Ooh, okay.

George: What seems to be the problem, Dream?

[Dream eats bread as a spider attacks]'

[Dream runs through a savannah and sees a third village]

Dream: Ooh! The heck? [gasps] I like this.

Dream: There's never any blacksmiths in villages anymore.

George: Ahhh. Village, huh?

Dream: Yeah. But there's no blacksmith. And the blacksmiths have the OP goodies. So, I guess I don't really care about this village.

[Dream ransacks a village house, stealing bread but leaving the emeralds]

Dream: Oh. Well. I don't need that.

Ending 20:39[]

[Dream has left the third village]

Dream: Whatchu doing George?

[Dream throws an Eye of Ender]

George: I'm just cooking some food right now, actually. Thanks for asking.

[the Eye floats back towards the village]

Dream: Oh, what?

[Dream follows the Eye through the savannah]

Dream: Mmm. I shouldn't have done that. Ugh. I'm stupid.

George: What happened?

Dream: I… did something… that I shouldn't have.

[Dream has reached the desert again, but the Eye leads him back to the savannah]

Dream: [gasps]

[Dream stops to catch the Eye]

[Dream throws the Eye in the savannah, and it goes straight down]

Dream: Oh.

[Dream starts digging down]

Dream: Wait, what?

[he searches around for the Eye but can't find it]

Dream: Oh no.

George: What's happening?

Dream: Did I seriously lose it?

[Dream searches his inventory to see if he already picked up the Eye, but it isn't there]

George: What's happening?

[Dream digs around for the Eye]

Dream: I… nothing.

[Dream starts digging down]

George: [scoffs]

Dream: Oh, I should have…

[Dream places a dirt block above him, then starts building up with dirt and breaks the dirt block just in time to freeze George, floating just inside the hole]

Dream: [gasps] What?!


Dream: Oh my god.

George: What I'm just stuck here! Dreeeeam. [giggles]

Dream: What do I do?

George: [laughs] If you look away I'm just gonna fall down!

[Dream briefly looks down to place a block but freezes George again]

Dream: [gasps]

George: Ohhh!

[Dream looks down to place another block and freezes George again, who is now much closer]

George: Oh my- OHHHHH!!! OHH!!!

Dream: OH! OH! OH! OH MY GOD! PLEASE! George, listen, stop. Stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopstop.

George: No. No.

Dream: Ohhh my god. I-

George: Oh my god, Dream you're so screwed.

Dream: Listen!

George: You're actually screwed.

Dream: Listen.

George: What? What?

Dream: I… I was looking around for the Ender Eye…

George: [giggles] Yeah?

Dream: …and then… 'cause I- 'cause, I threw it, and then it just like, maybe it broke, I don't know, but… I couldn't find it, and then… you were just… there. I don't know.

George: [giggles] Dream! Just accept defeat. Just accept defeat.

Dream: I was gonna block off the top, 'cause I thought I didn't want you to find it.

George: Accept. Defeat.

Dream: [gasps]

[a long silence as Dream thinks hard and George waves his stone axe at Dream]

Dream: Oh my god, I- I-

George: What are you doing?

Dream: I actually don't know…

George: What are you doing?

[Dream hold an Ender pearl]

George: [chuckles]

Dream: Can I pearl through you? Or will it hit you?

George: It's gonna hit me.

Dream: No. It's not gonna hit you.

George: It's gonna hit me.

Dream: No way.

George: How're you gonna get it past me? There's no way. You're screwed, Dream. You're screwed. It's over.

[Dream throws the pearl into one of the spaces he dug looking for the pearl, allowing George to fall to the bottom of the hole, and he blocks George in before blocking himself]

George: [gasps] WHAT?!

[Dream tunnels upward, quickly reaching the surface]

George: WHAT?! I HEAR YOU! I S- [laughs]

[Dream runs]

Dream: [laughs] GO AWAY! GEORGE, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! Leave me the hell alone! Leave me the hell alone! Leave me!

George: No!

[Dream freezes George, but George throws an Ender pearl to get close, scaring Dream to run and unfreeze him, allowing George the killing blow]

Dream: [gasps] WHAT! NO!

George: YES! [laughs] Oh my god. Well you tried.
